Keyur Patel
Vinayaka Institute of Physiotherapy, India
Title: A comparative study: Efficacy SNAGs mobilization on neck pain, neck proprioception and functional limitation in patients with non-specific chronic neck pain.
Biography: Keyur Patel
Back-ground: The international association for the study of pain (IASP) in its classification of chronic pain defines as pain perceived anywhere in the posterior region of cervical spine from the superior nuchal line to the first thoracic spinous process. Another type of classification proposed by IASP is based on duration of neck pain according to which chronic neck pain has duration of 3 months or more. Spinal mobilization is commonly used in the treatment of chronic neck pain. Various methods are used to treat patient with neck pain. In chronic neck pain patients have impaired neck proprioception. There is limited study found in spinal manipulative therapies on neck proprioception.
Method: Total 121 subjects of neck pain in Charotar region, Gujarat, India were screened by taking inclusion and exclusion criteria in consideration. The study was then performed on 28 subjects who meet the inclusion criteria. All the subjects who were ready to participate and fit for the study were informed about the procedure and purpose of the study and written consent was taken from each subject prior to the study. The pre-treatment baseline assessment was done on 0th day by the investigator other than primary investigator. The 2 groups are Mulligan (SNAGS) and control group. All the groups given different exercise and treatment given for 3 WEEKS (5 session / week) and they are statistically analysed by paired t-test.